2015-2016 Student Handbook

Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedure


The process outlined in this policy is intended to provide students and employees with prompt, fair, and effective means of addressing complaints of discrimination and harassment in violation of Lesley’s Equal Opportunity and Inclusion Policy; the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy; and the Unequal Consensual Relationships Policy (the “Policies”). 

The Policies are available at these website links and paper copies are available upon request to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator:

As used in these Procedures, “discrimination and harassment” includes violations of any of the Policies, for example, discrimination on the basis of race, faculty-student romantic relationship, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking. 

For the full complaint resolution procedure, please refer to the University Policies web page: lesley.edu/policies/

Revised: September, 30, 2013