2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

Academic Advising

The Graduate School of Education provides proactive, holistic, and collaborative academic advising using multiple modalities. Graduate students are encouraged, empowered, and educated to become self-directed learners and competent decision makers. Best practice and student feedback inform the strategies and resources used to guide and support students' educational, career, and life goals. Student success is fostered through welcoming and inclusive interactions that acknowledge individual and diverse needs and encourage lifelong learning.

The advising relationship is a significant element of the teaching and learning process. We recognize that advising happens in many venues and students are encouraged to seek out and establish relationships across the University in support of their academic and professional goals. However, it is within the formal academic advising relationship where students will craft their academic objectives and develop career aspirations and goals.

Students are part of an advising team also comprised of an academic advisor and a faculty advisor. Academic advisors are the primary student liaison, highlighting Lesley’s support services and providing program guidance on a broad range of topics including university policies, course selection and sequence, registration procedures, and Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) requirements. Faculty advisors help students define a clear pathway to their chosen career and guide them in that capacity throughout the program. Faculty and professional academic advisors collaborate frequently, jointly advising students on their academic progress and providing information on support opportunities.

Advising is a shared responsibility and, although academic and faculty advisors provide advice and counsel, students ultimately bear the primary responsibility for maintaining ownership over progress in their programs. Students are encouraged to seek out information, read carefully through all materials regarding grading, academic integrity, and related policies, and take advantage of the many opportunities for support to ensure that they are actively participating in the graduate school experience.