2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Accreditations and State Approvals

Lesley University was founded in 1909 and is recognized as a nonprofit organization under Massachusetts law and as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Lesley University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) www.neche.org. Many individual programs are also accredited or approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and other organizations. The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (www.mass.edu/home.asp) has granted Lesley University degree-granting authority for: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor, Master, Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts and Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, education leading to the degree of Associate in education and human services, and Doctor of Philosophy in: Expressive Therapies, Educational Studies, and Counseling and Psychology. See school-by-school accreditation information: lesley.edu/about/accreditations-state-approvals.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements

Lesley University is an approved SARA institution. As described by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, the SARA portal entity for Massachusetts, SARA is an acronym for the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, which is an interstate agreement that allows colleges and universities located in a SARA member state to offer online classes in other SARA member states without needing to obtain authorization to do so from each state individually. SARA consists of a national network of member states, districts, and territories that agree to comply with the rules, policies, and procedures set forth by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). According to NC-SARA, membership in SARA includes 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and California is the only state that has not joined SARA.


Lesley University’s online education programs are offered to residents of California.

 Lesley University is approved to operate pursuant to California Education Code (CEC) section 94890(a)(1), which approves Lesley University due to its accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education.  

Programs Leading to Professional Licensure

Lesley offers programs approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) that meet current educational requirements for Initial, Professional, Specialist and Educator Licensure and Endorsements in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a member state of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) and a signatory of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, which facilitates the transfer educator licensure between member states (not necessarily immediate reciprocity). Therefore, a Massachusetts educator license is highly transferable.  Depending on your professional goals, where you reside or plan to teach, and the licensure structures that exist within that state, there are diverse pathways to licensure that may be relevant and some may require additional coursework, required tests, assessments, and/or classroom experiences.  State licensing boards complete their own review of licensure applications and determine eligibility.

We strongly encourage prospective applicants who intend to pursue licensure or credentialing to review these Licensure and Credentialing Information documents for their respective programs of interest prior to applying to the program. This is in accordance with Lesley University’s participation in SARA (State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement) and with federal regulations. 

Complaint Process for Online and Low-Residency Students

At Lesley, we strive to resolve student complaints within our academic and administrative departments. Online and low-residency students who have a complaint about a University process or procedure may submit a written complaint at feedback@lesley.edu. We'll forward the complaint to the appropriate academic or administrative department and email you to let know that the complaint been received and is being reviewed. We'll attempt to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible. Please note that this type of complaint is not confidential.

The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE) reviews and evaluates student complaints regarding online and distance learning programs offered by Massachusetts-based institutions that are members of SARA. Students must first attempt to resolve their complaints using Lesley’s internal complaint process. After exhausting this process, students may submit a complaint to the Massachusetts DHE.

For Online or Low-Residency Students located in SARA Member States and Territories

If you are located in a SARA member state or territory (other than Massachusetts) and your complaint is not resolved at the institutional level, you may proceed to the DHE’s SARA complaint form. Complaints about student grades and student conduct violations are expressly excluded from SARA review.

For Online or Low-Residency Students in Massachusetts or Non-SARA Member States and Territories

If you are located in Massachusetts or in a non-SARA member state or territory (like California or Guam), and your complaint is not resolved using the complaint procedures available through Lesley University, you may proceed to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Consumer Complaint Form .

More information about DHE’s complaint processes can be found here.

Information about complaint procedures is available in the “Additional State Approvals” section for enrolled students from California and other specifically stated programs that are operating beyond the scope of SARA. If your complaint is based on an incident involving discrimination or harassment, including sexual misconduct and sexual violence, we encourage you to complete the Community Incident Report or send an email to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office at equalopportunity@lesley.edu.


Students residing in California may also file a complaint about distance education as follows:


California Department of Consumer Affairs

Consumer Information Center

1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112

Sacramento, CA 95834

Telephone: 833-942-1120




If you are located in a SARA member state (other than Massachusetts) or territory and your complaint is not resolved at the institutional level, you may proceed to the DHE’s SARA complaint form. Complaints about student grades and student conduct violations are expressly excluded from SARA review.

Additional State Approvals

The most up to date information on additional state approvals can be found at “Accreditations, Licensure and Degree-Granting Authority."


Colorado participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. Lesley University is recognized by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education under state statutes (23-1-101 et seq., C.R.S. 1973, amended 1981) to award degrees and degree credit in Colorado based on Lesley's ongoing accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

Colorado consumer complaint process: highered.colorado.gov/

Colorado Department of Higher Education

1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303.866.2723; 303.866.4266


Idaho participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.  Lesley University holds a Certificate of Registration certifying that it is registered, as required by law, with the Idaho State Board of Education as an accredited post-secondary institution to offer the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a Specialization in Integrated Teaching through the Arts.

Idaho consumer complaint process: https://boardofed.idaho.gov/higher-education-private/private-colleges-degree-granting/student-complaint-procedures/

Idaho State Board of Education

PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 03720-0037


Maine participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. 

The Maine State Board of Education has approved authorization to Lesley University to offer the following programs: Curriculum and Instruction with a Specialization in Integrated Teaching through the Arts M.Ed. and Curriculum and Instruction: Individually Designed M.Ed.

Maine consumer complaint information: http://www.maine.gov/doe/

Maine Department of Education

Attention: Complaint Investigator

23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023



Lesley University is recognized as a nonprofit organization under Massachusetts law and as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education has granted Lesley University degree-granting authority for: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor, Master, Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts and Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, education leading to the degree of Associate in education and human services, and Doctor of Philosophy in: Expressive Therapies, Educational Studies, and Counseling and Psychology.

Massachusetts consumer complaint process: http://www.mass.edu/forstufam/complaints/complaints.asp

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
One Ashburton Place, Room 1401, Boston, MA 02108


Montana participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.  The Montana Board of Regents grants Lesley University exemption due to accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Montana consumer complaint process: https://app.doj.mt.gov/apps/Oscar/default.aspx

Montana Board of Regents, Office of Commissioner of Higher Education

Montana University System

2500 Broadway Street, PO Box 203201, Helena, MT 59620-3201


New Hampshire

New Hampshire participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.  The State of New Hampshire Higher Education Commission authorizes Lesley University continuing approval to offer post-secondary programs to any educator at any school site in the State of New Hampshire. All site locations must be approved by the Executive Director based on compliance with all regulations and requirements of the Commission.

New Hampshire consumer complaint process: https://www.education.nh.gov/

New Hampshire Division of Higher Education
101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301-3493
Phone: 603.271.2555 ext. 350

South Carolina

South Carolina participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. Licensed by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 1122 Lady Street, Suite 300, Columbia, SC 29201, Tel. 803-737-2260. Licensure indicates only that minimum standards have been met; it is not an endorsement or guarantee of quality.

South Carolina consumer complaint process: form found here

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

1333 Main St., Suite 200, Columbia, SC 29201

Phone: 803.737.2260 | Fax: 803.737.2297


Washington participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

Lesley University is authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree­ granting institutions under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is subject to periodic review and authorizes Lesley University to offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 or by email at degreeauthorization@wsac.wa.gov.

The transferability of credits earned at Lesley University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Lesley University will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Lesley University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Lesley University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.

The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit https://www.wsac.wa.gov/student-complaints for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.

School-by-School Accreditation and Approval Information

Graduate School of Education

  • All programs are encompassed under our institutional accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences

  • All programs are encompassed under our institutional accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Program Accreditation and Approvals for the Department of Expressive Therapy:

  • The Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Art Therapy is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE)
  • The Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Dance Therapy Program by the American Dance Therapy Association
  • The Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Drama Therapy Program by the North American Drama Therapy Association
  • The Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Music Therapy by the American Music Therapy Association

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • All programs are encompassed under our institutional accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).
  • The baccalaureate Business Management program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP).
  • The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education’s Commission on Accreditation.
  • The Master of Social Work (MSW) is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education's Commission on Accreditation. 
 College of Art and Design
  • All programs are encompassed under our institutional accreditation by the New England Commission of Higher Education and the National Association of Schools of Art and Design
  • Member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design

Email: state.approvals@lesley.edu with questions about Lesley University accreditations and state approvals.