2018-2019 Student Handbook

Community Standards of Conduct

Purpose:  To establish minimum standards of behavior for all members of the Lesley University community.

Scope:  This policy applies to all members of the Lesley University community, including faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, students, alumni/ae, vendors, contractors, consultants, guests, and visitors. This policy applies to any activity related to Lesley University, either on or off campus, and to any off-campus conduct that may have an effect on the Lesley University community.

Policy Statement:  Lesley University respects the dignity of every individual and expects members of the Lesley University community to:

  • Conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s mission as an educational institution.
  • Refrain from behavior that substantially disrupts the educational and working environment at the University.
  • Refrain from illegal activity, and understand that the University may take action regardless of the outcome of any criminal investigation or prosecution.
  • Understand that conduct, occurring either on or off campus, that adversely affects or has the potential to adversely affect, the University or members of the University community, may violate the Community Standards of Conduct.
  • Refrain from injuring, threatening to injure, or attempting to injure another person, whether in person, through electronic or digital communications, or otherwise.  This includes physical action, non-physical action, intimidation, and threats. 
  • Refrain from damaging or threatening to damage property.
  • Avoid any activity that poses a significant risk to the health or safety of any member of the University’s community or a member of the public.
  • Comply with University policies and procedures.  Examples of University policies include:

Most University policies are available at this link: https://lesley.edu/students/policies/behavior-policies 

Student handbooks are available at this link http://lesley.smartcatalogiq.com/ and program-related handbooks are available from each program.

The Faculty Handbook is available at this link https://www.lesley.edu/faculty-staff/faculty-academic-resources/faculty-handbook

The Employee Handbook is available in PDF form on the Human Resources Department’s web page at this link https://lesley.edu/faculty-staff/human-resources/human-resources-office.

Reporting: It is the obligation of the members of the Lesley University community to report violations of these Community Standards of Conduct to one of the people listed below.  Any reported violation will be promptly investigated.

Investigation and Sanctions: The University will investigate all good faith reports of violations of these Community Standards of Conduct.  Reports of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence will be investigated pursuant to the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy and the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedure.  The University’s investigations and sanctions may proceed even if the persons involved are on leave from or not currently engaged with the University.

Depending on the circumstances, the University may take immediate, interim action pending the conclusion of an investigation.  The University may immediately remove anyone from the campus or any University-sponsored event if the person’s behavior is disrupting any classroom or educational environment, work environment, or any University-sponsored event, is threatening to the health or safety of any person, or may damage property.  The University, at its discretion, may also remove someone from campus or prohibit someone from attending a University-sponsored event during the course of an investigation.  In the event of alleged unlawful behavior, or as deemed necessary in any emergency situation, the University may notify the Lesley University Office of Public Safety and the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The person investigating a reported violation may find that a single significant incident, a pattern of less significant behavior, or a combination of the two, violate the Community Standards of Conduct.  The investigator applies a preponderance of the evidence standard and applies a reasonable person standard to determine whether a violation of the Community Standards of Conduct has occurred.  The decision of the investigator is final.

The University may suspend, dismiss, or otherwise discipline any member of the Lesley University community for violations of the Community Standards of Conduct.  Dismissal may occur even on a first offense, depending on its severity.

Report suspected violations of the Community Standards of Conduct to any of the following people:

Ms. Marylou Batt

Vice President of Administration

29 Everett Street 

Cambridge MA 02138


Email: marylou.batt@lesley.edu

Associate VP for Human Resources

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138


Email: hr@lesley.edu

Dr. Nathaniel G. Mays

Dean of Student Life and Academic Development and Interim Title IX Coordinator

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138


Email: nmays@lesley.edu

You may also contact Public Safety at:

  • Doble Campus/Main Number: 617.349.8888
  • Brattle Campus: 617.871.6029
  • Porter Campus: 617.349.8390

You may also choose to contact local law enforcement by calling 911.

In the case of an emergency, please CALL THE POLICE at 911.

These Community Standards of Conduct are not intended to create a contract between the University and any person or organization.  The University reserves the right to amend or revoke this policy at any time without notice.

Joseph B. Moore


Approved by:  President Joseph B. Moore

Policy revisions:  June 4, 2012; July 7, 2014; June 30, 2016