Add/Drop Policy
During the first two weeks of each semester, a student may add or drop a course. For accelerated courses, either on ground or online, the add/drop period is the first week. During this period, any course that is dropped will not be recorded on the student's permanent record. However, if after the second week of classes, a student withdraws from the college, withdrawal grades will be reflected on the academic record as required by the student refund policy. During the add/drop period, first semester freshman and transfer students are required to have their advisor's signature on each add/drop form (for CLAS only). After the first semester, students may add or drop a class on LOIS up to the end of the WebReg period. However, all students are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor before making any changes to their schedule to ensure timely graduation.
Add/drop forms can be obtained from the Registrar's Office and the Undergraduate Academic Advising Centers. The form can also be found on the Registrar's Office web page at under "Registration".