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Incomplete Grade Policy (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Students who have successfully completed a majority of course requirements (as determined by instructor) but are unable to complete all requirements due to extenuating circumstances may request a temporary grade of “I” (incomplete). The course instructor will determine whether a student is eligible for an Incomplete. Incomplete grades are not guaranteed.

An incomplete grade request must be 1) initiated by the student before the end of the semester/ term in which the course is taken or by a date set by the instructor in the course syllabus, 2) agreed to by the instructor, and 3) committed to in writing by completing, signing, and filing a Contract for Completion of Incomplete Coursework (Incomplete Contract). Students should be prepared to provide documentation of their circumstances when submitting a request. Incomplete Contracts are available through the Lynx Solution Center at 617.349.8740, or by submitting a case to (all students) or by contacting the assistant director for academic advising (graduate students) and must be completed by the student and instructor. Completed contracts will be disseminated by the student to the relevant offices as indicated on the Incomplete Contract.

Remaining course requirements must be completed in accordance with the Incomplete Contract. Course instructors will set deadlines for the completion and submission of outstanding course requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all work is completed and submitted within the established deadlines.

In all cases, the incomplete grade must be changed no later than the grading deadline for the subsequent semester/term (e.g., fall 2019 incomplete grades must be changed by the posted grading deadline in the Academic Calendar for spring 2020 courses; fall term 1 incomplete grades must be changed by the posted grading deadline in the Academic Calendar for fall term 2 courses.) The changing of an “I” to an academic grade is relayed from the instructor to the Office of the University Registrar via a grade change form (see the Grade Changes section in this handbook).

An “I” grade that is not resolved within the timeframes indicated above will automatically become a grade of “F” (Failing). If the course is a requirement and a passing grade was not earned, the student must repeat the course at the current tuition rate to earn a passing grade. The policy regarding incomplete grades remains in effect regardless of the student’s withdrawal or leave of absence status. No grade changes are accepted after graduation. Students who receive two or more successive incomplete grades will be subject to an academic review to determine eligibility for continued enrollment.

In those exceptional cases in which a student wishes to request an extension of the incomplete course contract beyond the original time frame, the student must submit a written request to the faculty member and the program/division director. The extension request must be submitted before the due date on the original incomplete course contract. Extensions are not guaranteed and extension requests submitted after the original deadline will not be reviewed. Further extensions will not be considered.

The only exception to this policy may be made in regard to a course or set of courses offered in an unusually designed program that requires a unique treatment of “incomplete” grades for the success of the program. In such cases, the Dean of the school/college, in which the course resides, must submit a written petition to the Provost justifying an exception to this policy and offering a proposal for resolving the “incomplete” grade. The petition must be submitted to the Provost prior to the scheduling of the course or courses.

Proposed policy initially submitted to Academic Advisory Committee by professional advisors group, LPAAC (Lesley Professional Academic Advisors Committee). AAC determined that the proposal should be treated as if it was being initiated by the Provost for purposes of review by the various governing bodies.

Reviewed by Deans Group Feb 27, 2015. Deans Group endorsed the new policy, but cited the need for exception to the policy for courses offered in unusually designed programs (e.g. Urban Teacher Center).

Reviewed by AAC March 12, 2015. Provost Williams informed the Committee that the Deans Group had reviewed and endorsed the policy as written, with the noted exceptions.

Reviewed and endorsed by Faculty Assembly May 2015. FA Chair, S. Spadorcia noted courses that should be excluded from policy - certain “clinical” course.

Sept 14, 2015 Provost approved the revised policy with a provision for handling exceptions.

This policy will go into effect as of SP/16 - January 25, 2016.