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Governance of the Faculty Assembly

MEMBERSHIP & MEETINGS: All individuals with full-time or pro-rated faculty contracts are full voting members of the Faculty Assembly. Individuals on administrative contracts, even those who hold faculty rank, are not members of the Faculty Assembly. Two hours of the third and fourth Tuesdays of each month are reserved exclusively for Faculty Assembly and any constituent school-based faculty meetings.

DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: Decisions will be made by a majority vote of the attendees, providing that a quorum is present. Since meetings may not coincide with the times that pro-rata faculty are on campus, the quorum for each academic year will be the number of individuals equal to one-half the number of full-time contracted faculty. All decisions of the Faculty Assembly will be made with only members of the Assembly present. Most decisions will be made by voice vote. However, if the Steering Committee or an individual faculty member requests a confidential vote, decisions will be made by secret ballot. As appropriate, motions passed by the Faculty Assembly will be forwarded by the Faculty Assembly Steering Committee to the President, Provost, or duly designated representatives of the administration. Discussions and decision-making procedures in the Faculty Assembly will be guided by Robert's Rules of Order.