2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Sponsored Billing

If an outside agency or employer has agreed to pay all or part of a student's tuition and/or fees, billing authorization (purchase order) from the third party must be submitted to the Student Accounts Office prior to the payment deadline. The Student Accounts Office will then bill the agency for the amount they have agreed to pay. Any remaining balance will be billed to the student and is due prior to the payment due date.

Your sponsorship letter must:

  • Be typed on company letterhead
  • Include an authorized signature (not that of the student)
  • Include dates of sponsorship
  • Include which items will be paid (i.e. tuition and fees)
  • State that Lesley University must directly invoice the sponsoring agency
  • Include contact information for the sponsor:
    1. Contact person name and email
    2. Physical billing address

Sponsorship cannot be contingent upon grades. Please retain a copy of your sponsorship letters as you may be held responsible for tuition and fees if an authorization has expired or is invalid for any reason. Sponsorships 45 days past due will be removed, the charges added back to the student account and payment is due within 24 hours of the cancelled sponsorship. The student will be notified via email of this action. Please be sure that you actively view your Lesley email.