2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

IDESN 1600 User Experience Research Methods

This intensive 8-week fully online course introduces students to quantitative and qualitative research methods specific to user experience design. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to uncover the needs, behaviors, and motivations of individuals as it relates to their interaction with a product or service. This course teaches various models to facilitate empathy and design for human interaction. Students will create hypotheses, test assumptions, and analyze results from user interviews, usability testing, user journey- and empathy mapping. By the end of this course, students will be able to create user personas, and refine content based on user feedback to make recommendations for the design of products and services. Team-based work and collaboration is emphasized throughout the course. (On-campus students please note: if this course is not listed as a requirement or choice in your program it will only count as a "general elective;" not as a studio elective nor as a design major elective.)
