2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

IILLU 3120 Letterpress Multiples

This course will build on the basic printing and editioning skills developed in Letterpress studio (IILLU-2160). Via field trips, visiting artists, and lectures, students will be exposed to the history of fine press letterpress books, contemporary artists' books, and hand-printed multiples. Each student will design an editioned multiple (fine press, artist's book, or artist's multiple, depending on their interests) and take the project through conceptualization, planning, printing, and binding stages. Students will learn how to design and print polymer plates and have the opportunity to use polymer in their edition. Letterpress-specific image-making techniques like woodcut, linoleum cut, and pressure printing will be reviewed; additionally, student will be encouraged to use other printmaking techniques in their books, as appropriate. By the end to the class, each student will produce a completed edition of their multiple/book project and have the conceptual and technical skills to produce other editioned projects in the future.
