2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CSPED 2354 Special Education

This license-specific course draws on the foundations of education begun in the student's first year and focuses on the role of the special education teacher in today's inclusive educational settings. Students develop an understanding of the collaboration needed between special education and general education so that a successful, inclusionary education can be offered to students with special learning needs. Emphasis will be placed on the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) regulated under state and federal law; assessment strategies addressing both personal and professional special education concerns; the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks; and skills in the design of curriculum and instructional approaches. These are the essential areas needed in order to make inclusionary education accessible for a range of individuals with moderate special learning needs.




A grade of C or higher in CEDUC 1352. Both a grade of C+ or better in this course and the successful completion of the early field experience are prerequisites to student teaching

