2021-2022 Graduate Academic Catalog

Accelerated M.Ed. in English as a Second Language (PreK-6) 36 credits

Part of a Dual Degree Program for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Elementary and Special Education Majors

This program has been approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for Initial Teacher License in English as Second Language (PreK-6) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

This program is designed to prepare teachers for the schools of the twenty-first century, as well as to respond to state regulations. Appropriate for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students majoring in elementary or special education, the program incorporates Lesley's commitment to inclusive classrooms, differentiated instruction, and the integration of theory with practice.

As early in the program as possible, and prior to the practicum, students must complete a 100-hour pre-practicum experience in a classroom appropriate to the license sought. In some cases, recent appropriate classroom experience may be used to document this requirement. (This is not a credit-bearing course, and there are no fees required.)

Program Requirements:

  • An Initial Teacher License in Elementary (1-6) or an Initial License in Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (PreK-8)
  • Level I and II in a foreign language at the undergraduate level (can be waived with demonstrated proficiency)

Program of Study

Courses may have prerequisites for registration; please check course descriptions before registering.

Required Courses (24 credits):

All of the following required courses except EARED 6115 must be completed prior to the practicum, and many courses include field-based assignments.

EECLD 6001Culturally Responsive Teaching


EECLD 6002Essential Linguistics: What Every Teacher Needs to Know about Language


EECLD 6004First and Second Language Acquisition and Oral Development


EECLD 6007Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Literacy and Literature


EECLD 6010TESOL in Content Areas: Engaging Students


EECLD 6012Assessment for Equity and Inclusion of CLD Learners: Linguistic/Cultural Differences and Disabilities


EEDUC 6022Cooperative Learning


EARED 6115Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Arts, History, and Social Science


Taken in Junior Year: EECLD 6001

Taken in Senior Year: EECLD 6002

Elective Courses (6 credits):

Choose one of the following 3-credit courses:

EEDUC 6001The Teaching of Writing (K-12)


EEDUC 6032Exploring Nonfiction for the Elementary and Middle School Classroom


Choose one of the following 3-credit courses:

EMATH 6107Constructing Mathematical Understanding: Number and Operations


EMATH 6109Functions and Algebra I: Building Mathematical Understanding


ESL Practicum (6 credits):

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a 100-hour early field experience and required pre-practicum courses; satisfactory completion of appropriate Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) requirements. The full-time, full semester practicum is accompanied by a weekly seminar and requires a field experience fee.

EECLD 7006Practicum and Seminar in ESL (PreK-6)