2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Foreign Language Minor (Individually-Designed) 15 credits

This minor allows students who have taken language courses at Lesley or at other colleges in the United States or abroad to create a minor that reflects that work. In consultation with the Coordinator of Foreign Languages, students devise a program of study consisting of upper-level language and culture courses.

The following represent parameters for the Individually-designed Minor in Foreign Languages. Each student will work with the Foreign Language Study Advisor to draw up their particular program of study.

Fifteen (15) credits of foreign language and culture courses, only six (6) of which may be at the 2000-level (2nd year language courses). Content areas may include foreign culture/film/literature/history, among others. At least nine (9) credits of coursework at the 3000-level or above are required. A limit of one 3-credit 3000-level or above course in these content areas may be taken in English.

Appropriate AP credit in foreign language or literature may be applied to this minor.