CCRWT 3001 Advanced Scriptwriting
This course is a continuation of CCRWT 2090 The Art and Craft of Scriptwriting, and is meant for students with a serious interest in and aptitude for the genre. Students will advance their understanding of the form through continued study of master works, regular writing assignments focusing on specific issues of craft, and regular in-class writing workshops, receiving and offering informed critique. Students will have the opportunity to work for much of the semester on conceiving, drafting, revising, and shaping one, full-length dramatic work, encountering and learning to solve challenges associated with writing full-length pieces, including common third-act problems, character development/growth, and tone consistency issues.
Strongly Recommended Prerequisite: CCRWT 2070 Art & Craft of Screenwriting, CCRWT 2080 Art & Craft of Playwriting, CCRWT 1400 Intro to Creative Writing, OR conversation with professor.