2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

Audited Courses

Most graduate courses offered for credit may be audited with the approval of the faculty member. Students wishing to audit a course should indicate “audit” on the course registration form or select the audit option during registration in Self-Service. See the Student Accounts Office website (www.lesley.edu/studentaccounts) regarding the cost of auditing a course. Audited courses cannot later be changed to gain credit or a grade. Courses taken for credit cannot be changed to audit. Credit or audit enrollment must be declared at the time of registration. Audited courses appear on the transcript as such and carry no credit value. Faculty members or the university will not furnish evaluations or letters attesting to the student’s presence or quality of class participation.

Students may observe a class session if permission is given by the faculty member teaching the course. Program offices should be contacted if permission is requested. Students may only be given permission to sit in on one class session.