2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

GCOUN 7721 Clinical Practice and Supervision VI: School Setting

The second semester of a yearlong advanced supervision seminar focusing on the integration of theory and practice. The supervision seminar is designed for counselors (school guidance and school adjustment) completing the required hours of supervised counseling practice after receipt of the provisional school guidance counselor certificate. Students are required to do case presentations reflecting on systemic interventions, programmatic counseling strategies, psychodiagnostics, treatment planning, program evaluation, sociocultural context, transference/ countertransference, consultation, and referrals.




GCOUN 6200, GCOUN 6026, GCOUN 6027, GCOUN 6202 or GCOUN 6300, GCOUN 6007 or GCOUN 6102, and GCOUN 6030 and/or concurrent with GCOUN 6201


Audio or videotaping of casework is required. Restricted to Counseling and Psychology Master's degree and C.A.G.S. candidates approved for field training.