2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

IGRPH 7992 Teaching Fellowship

Graduate students granted a Teaching Fellowship gain a direct hands-on classroom experience teaching an undergraduate Photography course related to their research or creative interests. Students are responsible for the development of syllabi, assignments, lectures and grading. Assignment decisions are based on evaluations of each student's proficiency in photography, preparation, teaching experience, and satisfactory academic standing. This opportunity provides graduate students valuable experience and insight into the teaching profession, and strengthens the student's abilities to articulate and communicate visual concepts. Participation in this course is limited to students selected by the Director of the MFA in Photography program and the Photography Department Chair. Recipients of Teaching Fellowships will meet with the Director of the MFA in Photography program for an orientation regarding the individual, and departmental, expectations of the course before the Teaching Fellow begins teaching. A LUCAD faculty member will meet with teaching fellows weekly throughout the semester regarding the teaching experience, current issues, and on-going course development. At the conclusion of the semester, Teaching Fellows will meet with the Director of the MFA Photography program to present documentation of their course development and evolution, including: syllabi; assignments; lectures and examples of student work.
