2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Learning 12 credits

Center for Inclusive and Special Education

This certificate, offered through Lesley's Center for Inclusive and Special Education, is designed for educators seeking to become knowledgeable about trauma and its impact on children's learning. The program focuses on examining the impact of traumatic experience on student learning, both academic and social/emotional; identifying and implementing classroom and school-wide approaches that remove trauma as a barrier to learning; and conducting action research projects designed to improve the trauma sensitivity of schools.

  • Program restriction: Only offered through a school or district cohort model

Program of Study

Required Courses (12 credits):

EEDUC 5256The Impact of Trauma on Learning: An Overview


EEDUC 5257The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Classroom and Student Supports


EEDUC 5258The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools


EEDUC 5259The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Action Research and Seminar