2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

Refunds of Credit Balances

 Over-payment, scholarship credits, adjustments and financial aid payments may result in a credit balance on the student account. If an account indicates a credit balance, it will be refunded to the student. Federal Direct Stafford Loan and private loan payments resulting in a credit balance will be refunded within 10 - 14 days of the date the credit appears on the student account.

If a student on a payment plan with Nelnet later receives financial aid that creates a credit on the student account, the student must cancel the Nelnet payment plan directly with Nelnet in order for the refund to be generated in a timely manner. Students enrolled in an active Nelnet plan will not have their credit balance refunded to them until the final payment for the plan is received by the University.

Lesley University students are enrolled in the Student Account Center (SAC) and eRefunding. Students are encouraged to enroll in eRefunding though the SAC. Access to the SAC is granted through Lesley Self-Service. After completion of the enrollment process, an email will be received by the student confirming the preference chosen.