2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

General Education Information for Transfer Students

Students with a Bachelor's Degree:  Students, who have already earned a bachelor's degree, and are enrolling in an additional bachelor's degree program will be waived from all the General Education foundation requirements, including Collaborations and Applications.

Students with an Associate Degree: Students eligible for The Massachusetts Independent College Transfer Guarantee (have an associate of arts or sciences from a Massachusetts community college that is eligible for MassTransfer) or have an AA or AS from any accredited community college, will have met the General Education curriculum in its entirety with the possible addition of up to 6 credits based on a student’s program and transfer credits. Certain programs in the College of Art & Design have additional Art History requirements.

Transfer students without an associate degree will have equivalent transfer courses applied to the General Education curriculum.

GE Equivalencies: If a transfer course is the equivalent of a Lesley course that meets a General Education Foundation or Perspectives outcome, the transfer course will also be deemed to meet the Lesley General Education outcome. Students wishing to have elective transfer courses (courses without an exact Lesley equivalency) reviewed to meet general education requirements will complete a request by the CLAS Dean’s designee.

Meeting the Applications Course Requirement: All transfer students (with associate degrees or not) will take a General Education Gen Ed Applications course as part of their Lesley general education program.