2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

IDFLM 2750 Cinema for Social Impact and Change

This course will explore the idea of making films that address social issues and create social change. Film is a medium that can reach people in many ways - through online channels, local screenings and film festivals - this allows filmmakers to impact social change in a magnified way. What does it mean to have an impact, to make a film that will create change? How do we tell visual stories that people can feel? How do we distribute content so people can see it? How do we tell stories that impact change? How does our personal lens impact the way in which we tell that story? This course will explore the importance of the role and lens of the director in creating films that people can see and feel; films that tell a story that that will foster awareness. Students will produce two short films, screen films that address social change and critique work that brings forth topics of social awareness.
