2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

IDFLM 3750 Advanced Post-Production

You make a movie 3 times: when you write it, when you shoot it and when you edit it. For many filmmakers, the story truly emerges in the edit suite. In this advanced class you'll learn conceptual and technical skills that give your film that final polish and professional look. Primarily, we'll explore the fine-cutting techniques necessary to find the story in your footage. Using advanced technical editing, this course will emphasize cutting for story and character, and explore the various techniques that editors use to build movies from footage. How do you bring your characters to life? How do you make your performances shine? How can you use editing to save your film? Additionally, you'll explore color grading, integrating visual effects and audio mix downs, as well as other technical skills needed to complete a film. We'll cover a variety of workflows that are used in a professional editing house (proxy, round-trip, etc). The goal of this course is to use advanced editing techniques to finalize the look and story of your film.
