2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CCOMM 2502 Introduction to Journalism

Journalism today is in a time of transition, as traditional forms of delivering news, such as print and broadcast, are increasingly being replaced by online publications, podcasts, and streaming audio or video. Professional reporters are also competing with "citizen-journalists," as smartphones and social media allow almost anyone to disseminate a news story.  In this course, students will be introduced to the changing world of modern journalism, from the traditional to the cutting-edge.  We will begin by studying the history of journalism, including times when journalists changed society and times when they failed to do the right thing. Students will learn about various kinds of journalism, including political reporting, sports reporting, entertainment reporting, and science reporting, and find out how news stories are selected, written, and reported.  Topics to be discussed are how to identify "fake news" and misinformation; how to fact-check claims that you encounter; the ongoing debate about media bias; and how media consolidation has affected newspapers and magazines.  Throughout the course, we will examine the pressing issues, dilemmas, and controversies that confront journalists, both in the United States and in other countries. Students will also have the opportunity to report and write for Lesley's award-winning online newspaper, the Lesley Public Post.
