2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Counseling - Bachelor of Science (36 Credits)

(36 credits plus 13 credits of experiential learning)

The professional major in Counseling is designed to prepare students at the undergraduate level for work in counseling settings or for further graduate education leading to a career as a counselor. It prepares students for entry-level positions in a number of human services settings where counseling skills are necessary. It is also designed to prepare students for entry into a professional master's degree program in Counseling Psychology and/or the dual-degree programs in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Students will complete over 400 hours in the field. Optional specializations: Expressive Arts Therapy; Holistic Psychology, Spanish for the Professions: Community Engagement minor

To successfully meet the requirements of the Counseling major, students will:

  • utilize theories of human behavior in assessing clinical problems and in developing appropriate skills and interventions.
  • be able to apply multi-cultural and global perspectives in their approach to counseling practice.
  • demonstrate an understanding of psychological development across the range of human experience.
  • critically assess and utilize social science research to further their development as counseling professionals.
  • engage in behaviors and practices which conform to professional values, ethics, and standards.
  • develop knowledge and abilities integrating hands-on learning with studies of psychology and applied therapies through exploring career development, cultural humility, self-reflective skills, communication skills, ethics, and self-care.

Academic & Professional Standards of the Counseling Major

The Department of Psychology & Applied Therapies understands the commitment to self-awareness and self-management that comes with development as a helping professional.  Students’ capacity to engage with empathic understanding of self and other is of great importance for successful completion of the internship courses and many other aspects of the program.  Due to the applied nature of our graduates’ work in the field, students’ understanding of areas for growth and their own commitment to work on both personal challenges and professional competencies is essential to moving forward in the major.  

Department pedagogy is substantially based on students’ attendance and participation with the course materials, in activities that require consistent collaboration with others, which itself is based in the ability to take other’s perspectives and present one’s own opinions respectfully. 

Below are listed other specific competencies and professional behaviors that students will be assessed on as they progress through their program of study.  Students will be given feedback when issues arise related to these competencies and allowed an opportunity to improve on suggested areas in order to assist them to successfully complete their chosen major.  Students failing to reach benchmarked academic standards and professional competencies over time will enter the Department's academic review process.  For more specific descriptions of these competencies and the academic review process, please see Department Manual.

Professional Standards Competencies

A student’s ability to function effectively within the context of helping relationships will be continually assessed by the faculty. Among the competencies that will be evaluated, in accordance with a student’s experience, are:

  • Appropriate work comportment including: attendance; punctuality; sound judgment; quality of work; ability to take initiative; attitude, knowledge or application of agency policy;
  • Understanding of, and sensitivity to, the power dynamic in the worker/client relationship and the impact of class, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, race, religion/spirituality, and sexual orientation;
  • Awareness of how one’s own biases will affect one’s understanding of and regard for another;
  • Capacity to be a participant and observer in one’s helping relationships with others;
  • Recognition of and ability to deal with issues relating to how one’s own feelings may impact work with clients, agency personnel, and supervisors;
  • Ability to interview/converse with clients in order to assess their social and emotional needs;
  • Ability to use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication skills;
  • The ability to maintain appropriate and ethically required boundaries, which includes but is not limited to dual relationships, sexual conduct with clients or staff and sexual harassment;
  • The appropriate use of self-disclosures;
  • Awareness of the scope and limits of one’s expertise, including but not limited to identification as interns;
  • Understanding of an ability to adapt treatment plans to meet the needs of diverse clinical populations;
  • Understanding of and ability to discuss ethical issues as they arise.

Degree Requirements

I. Required Core (21 Credits):

CPSYC 1401Lifespan Development


CPSYC 2403Theories of Personality


CPSYC 2421Introduction to Counseling


CPSYC 3405Understanding Psychological Diagnoses


CSOCS 3444Research Methods in the Social Sciences


CPLCY 3552Social Policy


CPSYC 4881Contemporary Issues in Counseling & Human Services


Minimum grade of "C" in CSOCS 3444 and CPSYC 4881 required to complete the major.
Recommended course:  CMATH 1522 Introduction to Statistics, should be taken prior to CSOCS 3444 Research Methods in the Social Sciences.

II. Required Counseling Courses (6 Credits):

Choose TWO

CPSYC 3422Trauma and Crisis


CPSYC 3424Counseling Children, Adolescents and Young Adults


CPSYC 3425Applied Group Dynamics


CPSYC 3426Multicultural Counseling


CPSYC 3427Family Interventions


CPSYC 3429Understanding Addictions


CPSYC 4426Imaginative and Embodied Counseling Techniques


III. Required Internship Courses (13 credits)

A minimum grade of "C" for all internship sequence courses above.

CPSYC 1551Foundations and Systems in the Helping Professions


CPSYC 2551Concepts & Skills in Professional Practice


CCOUN 3601Counseling Internship and Seminar I


iV. Applied Counseling Electives (6 credits)

Choose 6 credits, either two additional classes from required counseling courses list or choose CCOUN 4601 Internship and Seminar II. 

V. Psychology Choice course (3 credits)

Choose any psychology course.