2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

International Education Minor 17 credits

This minor prepares students for positions teaching English as a Second Language in international settings.

Six credits in a foreign language are required for the General Education Humanities Choice.


Required Core (14 Credits):

CEDUC 2432Introduction to Global and Comparative Education


EECLD 6002On Languages: What Educators Need to Know about Linguistics


Choose ONE (3 Credits):

CEDUC 4350Embracing Diversity in Classroom Communities


Choose ONE (4 Credits):

CEDUC 4188Sheltered English Instruction: Pre-K - 6


CEDUC 4189Sheltered English Instruction: 5-12


Liberal Arts Support Courses (3 Credits)

Choose ONE (3 Credits):

Students who select this minor are committing to fulfilling the Professional/Experiential Component of the Global Studies major in an educational setting, one in an area school with an international population and one international student teaching experience abroad.