2024-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog


Dear Student,

Welcome to the Education Programs at Lesley University, a vibrant learning community for scholars of educational practice. We welcome you to our community and look forward to partnering with you as you embark on this new chapter of your learning journey.

Our faculty are world-class scholars in their disciplines and bring a wealth of knowledge to their teaching. We embrace learning that is experiential and innovative and engage in ongoing efforts for continuous improvement to ensure the best and most relevant education for our students. We are deeply committed to inclusion, equity, social justice, and the ideals of an anti-racist society. This is manifested in our curriculum, our carefully designed field experiences, as well as co-curricular opportunities for “going deeper” in exploring how to support diverse learners including understanding our own positionality as educators.

Our Education Programs work in alignment with the broader goals and strategic vision of Lesley University. As such, we create active partnerships between educators and employers, support students over the arc of their careers, and work to create an ecosystem of support that nurtures people to live their best lives, challenge inequity, heal communities, and promote human connections at the intersection of education, mental health, the arts and related fields.

The faculty, advisors, and staff in Education are committed to your success. We take a hands-on, high-touch approach that is grounded in the theories, pedagogies and practices of teaching and learning. We hope you are able to take full advantage of your studies, both inside and outside of the classroom. A key predictor of student success is having at least one single point of contact and support. Please make sure that you are regularly in touch with an advisor or that you develop a closer relationship with a faculty member who can serve also as a mentor.

Finally, I have an open-door policy. Feel free to reach out at any time!

Best Wishes,

Stephanie Spadorcia

Vice Provost of Education