2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Financial Aid

The Lesley University Financial Aid Office provides a centralized student support service available to both undergraduate and graduate students. The Financial Aid Office assists students seeking financial aid consideration; coordinates various sources of funding at the federal, state, and institutional levels; and administers and develops programs of student financial assistance including several on-campus student employment programs.

The purpose of the Financial Aid Office is to help students and their families finance their education at Lesley University. The amount of assistance awarded to a student is based on the availability of funds, the size and aggregate need of the applicant pool, and the student's measured ability to meet educational costs by means of personal and family resources. Students are expected to contribute from their assets and earnings, including appropriate borrowing against future earnings and their families are expected to contribute according to their means, taking into account their income, assets, number of dependents, and other relevant information. While the University expects that the family will assume a major responsibility for financing a college education, the Lesley University Financial Aid Office will exert every effort to assist the student in making up the difference with a combination of federal, state, institutional, and independent sources of financial assistance.

The Financial Aid Office is committed to helping students and their families receive the financial assistance for which they are eligible. The philosophy of student aid is to provide access and choice to students who without such assistance would not otherwise be able to attend Lesley University. The staff is accessible to students and willing to help. No student should discontinue their studies because of financial considerations without first consulting the Financial Aid Office.