2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

General Education at Lesley University

General Education Outcomes


  1. Analysis: Critically analyze, interpret, and evaluate written, oral, and visual texts.   
  2. Communication: Construct written, oral, and visual texts through the iterative process of editing and revision, in order to communicate a message to an audience.   
  3. Collaboration: Develop teamwork and leadership skills to engage in diverse partnerships.    
  4. Quantitative Reasoning: Evaluate quantitative arguments and their visual representations in order to reason and solve problems.  


  1. Ethical Reasoning, Social Action, Civic Engagement: Apply ethical frameworks to engage in social and civic action.   
  2. Examining Power & Inequity:  Critically explore societal, political, and cultural systems to challenge power, privilege, and oppression.   
  3. Local & Global Connections: Examine self and community within the globalized world through explorations of political, cultural, and linguistic diversity.   
  4. Create, Perform, Design: Create and critique original work to express, inquire or inspire.   
  5. Human Relationships to the Natural and Physical World: Examine the complex and interdependent relationship among humans, our societies, and the Earth. 

Introductory Course Placement

Students may demonstrate they have met introductory-level course requirements and have a "sufficient base of knowledge" in Humanities, Math, Science, and Social Sciences through such vehicles as AP credit or previous college courses. Students are also eligible to place out of Writing as Thinking and Process (CWRIT 1101) through an AP score of 4 or higher. All students are required to complete Word and Image (CLITR 1100). Students with a mathematics SAT score below 510 must satisfy a quantitative reasoning requirement prior to their math requirement. Students with AP credits for studio art or pre-college art classes may qualify for studio elective credit.

All other students will be advised into the appropriate introductory-level courses to prepare them for advanced breadth and depth of study in the liberal arts and business disciplines. Visual art students will be enrolled in mandatory foundation courses the first year of study.

Academic and Artistic Freedom Policy for Students:

Lesley University supports an atmosphere of academic and artistic freedom in all artistic and scholastic endeavors, and believes that the suppression of free speech or artistic expression is unacceptable where educational inquiry is encouraged. Within such an educational framework, no idea or expression can be forbidden unless it is in violation of federal, state, or local laws. Individual statements and philosophies expressed by students in their work, whether displayed on campus or in the community, should be taken as the statements and philosophies of individuals, not as University sanctioned ideas. In the same spirit, the University encourages an attitude of respect toward all student work, and will take disciplinary action against theft or violation of student artwork or projects.