2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

English - Bachelor of Arts (36 Credits)

(36 credits + 6 credits of experiential learning)

The English major introduces the student to significant writers and works of English, American, and Anglophone literatures from the Old English period to the contemporary age, and offers exposure as well to preeminent authors and texts of European and world literatures. Survey courses offer broader overviews, while upper-level courses allow for a more focused study of different themes, literary periods, genres, and authors, allowing students to pursue questions that interest them in more depth.

The study of literature is valuable as a way of learning more about human cultures and societies of the past; it also provides ways of better understanding the present world and oneself through engaging with the ideas of some of the most interesting thinkers of human history.

In addition to the development of this broader literary, cultural, and personal knowledge, the English major also cultivates those capacities and skills so important to any future profession. The close analysis of texts develops the ability to respond critically to the written word and the ideas it conveys; the attention given to writing different kinds and lengths of papers develops the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively in written form; the emphasis on discussion and oral presentations helps develop the ability to speak cogently and with ease within and before groups.

Outcomes of the English Major:

  • Students will demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge in English and American literatures
  • Students will demonstrate research skills appropriate to the discipline, including the following:
  • ability to posit a succinct and arguable thesis
  • ability to organize and analyze evidence from multiple sources
  • ability to adhere to genre and disciplinary conventions
  • Students will demonstrate conversancy with different schools and methods of literary interpretation
  • Students will develop the ability to communicate effectively and clearly in written and oral assignments
  • Students will apply their skills in an appropriate internship setting
  • Students will explore opportunities for graduate study as indicated by number of students applying to graduate programs

Degree Requirements

Required Core (12 Credits):

CLITR 2400Power and Identity: Literature in English


CLITR 2500Constructing the Self: Literature in Translation



Advanced Seminar (6 Credits)

Take CLITR 4900: Advanced Seminar in English twice for a total of 6 credits.

CLITR 4900Advanced Seminar in English: Major Author


CLITR 4900Advanced Seminar in English: Major Author


Additional CLITR and CHUMS courses (24 Credits):

At least 12 credits must be at 3000-level or above. Students may take up to 4 credits of studio courses (CCRWT, CDRAM 2042 or CDRAM 2050). *EXCEPT CHUMS 2100, 2200 and 3400.

Professional/Experiential Component (6 Credits):

If the student declares an Education major or minor, the internship requirement is satisfied with student teaching in the major or minor.

CINTD 3100Interdisciplinary Internship & Seminar


CINTD 4100Interdisciplinary Internship & Seminar II


If the student declares any other double major, the internship requirement must be satisfied in the major with the greater number of credits in its experiential component. If they are the same, the student may choose one. Every effort will be made to have one of the internships encompass the objectives of the other major.
Students may choose to do an additional internship in their other major.

World Language Competency

Competencies in world language for the English Major are fulfilled by:

  1. Completing two semesters of American Sign Language, Portuguese, or Spanish at the university level.

  2. Successfully finishing two semesters of a non-English world language at an accredited higher education institution or approved year-abroad program.

  3. Students arriving at Lesley with the proficiency to enroll in American Sign Language II, Spanish II, or Portuguese II, and successfully completing the course, also satisfy the world language competency requirement.

  4. Students who have achieved proficiency equal to two full semesters of college language instruction before joining Lesley have several options to meet this requirement:

    • Before entering Lesley, students may take an AP language exam or CLEP exam and satisfy the language requirement if they score a grade of four or higher (AP) or 50 or above (CLEP).

    • Upon enrollment, students seeking to demonstrate language competency should consult the Department Chair.

    • Students can opt to take a competency exam in any of the languages offered at Lesley. A grade of B or higher on this test will waive the language requirement, while a grade ranging from C to B- will place the student at the second-semester level.

    • For languages not offered at Lesley, students must take the CLEP or an equivalent exam as approved by the Department Chair.