2015-2016 Student Handbook

Smoking Policy

In acknowledgement of the serious health consequences of smoking, both for smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke, Lesley University is committed to fostering ways to assist members of its community to choose steps to create and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.

Members who choose to smoke are encouraged to quit and smoking cessation assistance is available through the Student Health Service and Human Resources.

In compliance with state and local law (Massachusetts General Law Chapter 270,s22), and in keeping with recognized public health concerns, all enclosed spaces at Lesley University are smoke free, including but not limited to: classrooms, work spaces, dining areas, auditoriums, elevators, stairways, restrooms, lounges, and Lesley vehicles and shuttles. Lesley University policy also prohibits smoking in all student residential facilities (dorms).

In consideration of members of the University community and its neighbors, Lesley prohibits smoking throughout its campus, including the entire Brattle Campus (smoke-free), with the exception of designated smoking areas on the Doble campus and Porter campus which are located in a manner that prevents migration of smoke into indoor spaces, minimizes conflict between smokers and non-smokers, and maintains a welcoming character of Campus gateways.

This Policy is intended to be self-enforcing and applies to all employees, students, clients, consultants, vendors, contractors, and visitors. Cooperation, mutual respect, and sensitivity on the part of everyone are required for the successful implementation of the Policy.

Members of the Lesley community who are found to be in violation of the University’s Smoking Policy, either through their own actions or the actions of their guests, will be dealt with in accordance to the handbook that governs their conduct on campus (Faculty/Staff and Student Handbooks) and can be issued a sanction that could include, but is not limited to, a warning, requirement to take a tobacco education program, or a fine.

If there is a scent of cigarettes or marijuana strong enough to suggest that someone has been smoking in any University room or building, it would constitute a violation of the Smoking Policy.

The retail sale of or commercial distribution of tobacco and tobacco products is not permitted on Lesley-owned properties. Funding, donations, give-aways and other remuneration for Lesley events and activities by the manufacturers, distributors or sellers of tobacco and tobacco products are prohibited.