2015-2016 Student Handbook

Student Life Conduct Procedure

Purpose and Scope

These procedures apply to all reports of student misconduct occurring on and off the Lesley University campuses, including but not limited to misconduct in connection with courses, internships and practicum experiences, study away programs, residence halls, and athletics. Student misconduct refers to any behavior by undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at Lesley that may violate any University policy. Examples of University policies include the Community Standards of Conduct, the Acceptable Use Policy, the Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Use Policy, and other conduct policies, which are available here: http://www.lesley.edu/policies/, https://intranet.lesley.edu/student-handbooks/, and http://www.lesley.edu/student-life/handbooks-and-policies/. Notwithstanding the foregoing, reports of student violations of the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy and reports of violations of the Unequal Consensual Relationships Policy are reviewed under the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedure. Student athletes are also subject to the policies in the Student-Athlete Handbook, which can be found on the Athletics web page: http://athletics.lesley.edu/information/services/index.

Lesley University investigates reports of student misconduct in an impartial, prompt, and equitable manner. Reports may be submitted by any member of the University community or the public. All student misconduct reports are investigated by the Dean of Student Life and Academic Development or the Dean’s designee. The directors of the following programs serve as the Dean’s designee and investigate reports of misconduct by students in their programs: Threshold Program, Young Artist Residency Program, and other non-matriculated student programs.

Reports of misconduct or retaliation may be made to any of the following people:

Dr. Nathaniel Mays

Dean of Student Life and Academic Development

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138

617 349-8539

Email: nmays@lesley.edu

Dr. Barbara J. Addison Reid

Director of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator

Office of the President

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138

617 349-8507

Email: baddison@lesley.edu

Email: equalopportunity@lesley.edu

Ms. Marylou Batt

Vice President of Administration

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138

617 349-8564

Email: mbatt@lesley.edu

Ms. Jane Joyce

Director of Human Resources

29 Everett Street

Cambridge MA 02138

617 349-8785

Email: ajoyce5@lesley.edu

Public Safety

Doble Campus and Brattle Campus: 617.349.8888

Lunder Arts Center, Porter Campus: 617.590.6805

University Hall, Porter Campus: 617.349.8390

Local law enforcement may be contacted by calling 911. Note, however, that contacting law enforcement does not constitute a report to Lesley. To make a report to Lesley, you must contact one of the University representatives identified above.

No Retaliation: Retaliating against anyone for making a student misconduct report or participating in the review process is prohibited and will result in sanctions, up to and including dismissal from the University. All members of the Lesley community are encouraged to report immediately any suspected form of retaliation.

Interim Measures: After receiving a report of student misconduct, the University may apply interim measures to protect the health, safety, and/or other important interests of its community members. Examples include but are not limited to no trespass, no contact, or stay away orders, removal from an athletic team or University program, removal from campus or campus housing, and/or temporary suspension.

Dean’s Review Process

The Dean’s Review Process seeks to determine whether a student has violated a University conduct policy. The following steps are taken to review and resolve matters:

  1. People reporting violations of University policy may be encouraged by the Dean or the Dean’s designee to make their report in writing.
  2. A student is notified in writing by a message to their University email address meet in person or by phone with the Dean or the Dean’s designee. Students are required to attend the meeting or respond to the email message within 72 hours of the meeting notice. If a student does not attend the meeting or respond to the request, the review process continues and a decision may be reached without the student’s participation.
  3. The Dean or the Dean’s designee meets in person or by phone with all persons involved with the incident as part of the investigation. At the discretion of the Dean or the Dean’s designee, other persons may participate in the meeting on behalf of the University. The Dean or designee takes notes during the meeting which will be confirmed for accuracy by the student, employee, or other person (with their signature and the date at the end of the meeting; if the participant refuses to sign the notes, a witness will sign to that effect). Neither the student suspected of a violation of University policy, nor any other person interviewed during the Dean’s Review Process, may ordinarily be represented or accompanied by anyone at the meeting, within the sole discretion of the Dean or the Dean’s designee. Anyone participating in the investigation may also submit their own written account of the incident, either before or within 72 hours after the meeting.
  4. The failure of a student to cooperate meaningfully in a review of a report of misconduct may be grounds for discipline, up to and including dismissal from the University.
  5. The Dean or the Dean’s designee reviews the witness interview notes and written materials submitted by students, employees, or others during the Dean’s Review Process, and any related reports from other offices such as Residence Life and Public Safety, to determine if there was a violation of a University conduct policy.
  6. The Dean or the Dean’s designee determines whether there has been a violation of a University conduct policy. In making a determination, the Dean or designee evaluates whether the alleged misconduct occurred based on the preponderance of the evidence presented. The Dean or the Dean’s designee also determines the sanction for any violation of a University conduct policy. (Refer to the section on Sanctions below.) The Dean or the Dean’s designee may also refer the matter to another department or administrator in the University for further review.
  7. The Dean or the Dean’s designee issues a letter to the student(s) who is the subject of the misconduct report, indicating the outcome of the review process. The letter is sent electronically to the student’s University email address.
  8. The Dean or the Dean’s designee may share the determination with others within the University whom the Dean or the designee deems appropriate.