2016-2017 Student Handbook

Campus Directory


Academic Deans

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office: 617.349.8903
The College of Art and Design Dean’s Office: 617.585-6652
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office: 617.349.8467
Graduate School of Education Dean’s Office: 617.349.8401


Academic Standing
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Academic Year Calendar
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Activities, Clubs, & Organizations – Undergraduate and LCAL Students
Office of Student Activities: 617.349.8565

Address Changes
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Admissions Information

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Admissions: 617.349.8800
The College of Art and Design Admissions: 617.349.8800
Graduate Admissions for On-Campus, Off-Campus, and Online Programs: 617.349.8300

Alumni Relations: 617.349.8622

Athletics: 617.349.8536

Audio-Visual Equipment
E-Learning and Instruction: 617.349.8860

Student Accounts Office: 617.349.8760

Lesley Bookstore: 617.349.8875

Buildings & Grounds
Physical Plant: 617.349.8880

Cancellation of Classes: www.lesley.edu/public-safety/emergency-plan/alerts/, 617.868.9600

Career Development
Career Resource Center: 617.349.8550

Change in Class Schedule
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS): 617.349.8800

Computer Resources
Information Technology: 617.349.8770

Copy Center
Doble Campus, McKenna Student Center, lower level: 617.349.8980

Course Schedule
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Counseling Services
Counseling Center: 617.349.8545

Dean of Student Life and Academic Development: 617.349.8530

Dining Services—Bon Appétit: 617.349.8380

Disability Services

Executive Director Academic Support Services
    (ADA/504 Coordinator), Daniel Newman: 617.349.8572
Learning Disabilities and ADD, Kim Johnson: 617.349.8462
Physical, Sensory, & Psychiatric and Medical Conditions, Ruth Bork: 617.349.8194
TTY: 617.349.8544

Educator Certification and Licensure Office: 617.349.8427

Financial Aid Office: 617.349.8760

Fees & Payments
Student Accounts Office: 617.349.8760

Financial Aid Office: 617.349.8760

Gifts to the University
Advancement Office: 617.349.8622

Graduation Requirements
Academic Advisor
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Immunization Records

Undergraduate Students: Student Health Service: 617.349.8222
Graduate & LCAL students: Dean of Student Life office: 617.349.8543

Independent Study, Academic Advisor:  617.349.8915

Insurance (Student Health), Student Accounts Office: 617.349.8760

International Student Services: 617.349.8415

Keys – Residence Halls
Office of Residence Life: 617.349.8585

Learning Disabilities
Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459

Lesley Center for the Adult Learner (LCAL): 617.349.8482

Lesley University College of Art and Design (LUCAD): 617.349.8401

Lesley University Library

Administrative Offices: 617.349.8872
Library Hours line: 617.349.8873
Sherrill Library Circulation Desk: 617.349.8850
Sherrill Library Reference Desk: 617.349.8872
Moriarty Library Reference/Circulation Desk: 617.349.8070
University Archives: 617.349.8573
Library Website: www.lesley.edu/library

Lost And Found
Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

Mailroom, McKenna Student Center, lower level: 617.349.8790

Maintenance Problems
Community Advisors in Residence Halls, Residence Life: 617.349.8585

Math Tutorials
Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459

Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) Licensure Information: 617.349.8561

Ombudsperson for Students: 617.349.8538

Package Pick-Up
Mailroom, McKenna Student Center, lower level: 617.349.8790

Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

Payment for University Bills
Student Accounts Office: 617.349.8760

Police: 911

Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

Reading Tutorials
Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459

Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Residence Life: 617.349.8585

Financial Aid Office: 617.349.8760

Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

Student Activities – Undergraduate and LCAL Students: 617.349.8565

Student Government

Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
     USG Office, White Hall, lower level: 617.349.8470

Student Health Service – Undergraduate Students: 617.349.8222

Study Strategies/Tutorial
Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459

Summer Employment
Career Resource Center: 617.349.8550

Switchboard: 617.868.9600

Tennis Courts
Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

The Lesley Bookstore: 617.349.8875

Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888

Transfer Credit
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Transcript Requests
Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Tutorial Help
Academic Advisor and/or Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459

Withdrawal from Courses
Academic Advisor and Office of the University Registrar: 617.349.8740

Writing Skills Tutorials
Center for Academic Achievement: 617.349.8459


Emergency – Public Safety Office: 617.349.8888
Cambridge Police: 911
Cambridge Fire Department: 911
Ambulance: 911
Local Directory Assistance: 411
Long Distance Directory Assistance: 411
University Switchboard: 617.868.9600



Advana HIV/STD Testing-next day results: 866.337.5858
AIDS Action Committee of Boston: 617.437.6200
Al-Anon/Alateen: 508.366.0556
Alcohol and Drug Hotline (Adcare Hospital): 800.252.6465
Alcoholics Anonymous: 617.426.9444
MEDA/multiservice Eating Disorder Association: 617.855.3410
Battered Women Hotline: 617.661.7203
Bridge Over Troubled Waters: 617.423.9575
Gay/Lesbian Helpline (Fenway Community Health): 617.267.9001
Center for Disease Control (CDC): 800.232.4636
Substance Abuse Information: 800.327.5050
Planned Parenthood: 800.682.9218
Poison Information Center: 617.232.2120
Rape Crisis Center: 617.492.8306
Suicide Crisis Center, Inc (Hope line Network): 800.827.7571