2016-2017 Student Handbook

Dean of Student Life and Academic Development Welcome


Dear Lesley University Students:

Welcome to a new academic year at Lesley University.

We are excited to welcome you to the 2016-2017 academic year at Lesley University and to present you with this year’s Student Handbook.  It is important that you take the time to read the policy sections of the Handbook, as  violations of the Student Conduct or University policies could have an impact on your academic and social pursuits at, and beyond, Lesley.  My hope is that you will read through your Handbook carefully as you are responsible to know the content in the Handbook, especially the content related to policies and procedures at the University.

Staff in the Division of Student Life and Academic Development, as well as faculty and staff throughout the University, are ready to provide support, and serve as resources, to help ensure your academic success and social happiness. Don’t be shy about contacting us with questions, concerns, or thoughts that you have about life at Lesley.  Have a great year and most importantly, make good and responsible choices. 


Nathaniel G. Mays

Dean of Student Life and Academic Development