2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

Guide for an Expedited Program Review Report

Expedited Review Triggers and Analysis

  • What information gave rise to the need for expedited review?
    • Long-term or dramatic enrollment declines
    • Inability to retain good faculty
    • Lack of resources to replace vacant positions over an extended period of time
    • Student complaints about curriculum, faculty, advising
    • Inability of students to get jobs in their field
    • Inadequate facilities, equipment to stay current
    • Inadequate number of core faculty
    • Evidence of program being out of touch with current field

Mission and General Program Information

  • Brief History of program
  • Program resources (FTE faculty, FTE staff, Space, Equipment, other)
  • Uniqueness of program (comparison to other programs in area)
  • Typical employment or advanced education opportunities followed by graduates
  • Alignment with University mission and strategic plan

Program Statistics

  • Enrollment trends over last 5 years
  • Student retention and graduation rates
  • Student/faculty ratios over last 5 years
  • Contribution margin over last 5 years
  • Student profiles (HS, GPA, SAT)
  • Performance on any standardized tests, licensure, etc.
  • Budget over 3-5 year period

Program Curriculum and Student Learning Outcomes

  • Structure of the curriculum
  • Course syllabi well written with clear guidance to students
  • Content of courses is current and captures student interest
  • Faculty qualified to teach at all levels
  • Curriculum has appropriate depth, especially at upper levels
  • Faculty have expertise across the specializations
  • Faculty actively engaged in assessment of student learning

Proposed strategies for addressing identified problems

  • Explore the ways in which other institutions have addressed this issue
  • Seek new leadership
  • Employ an external consultant to provide guidance
  • The unit should take advantage of other resources on campus
  • Hiring X number of new faculty would greatly strengthen the program
  • Faculty need to be more creative in recruiting, teaching, and engaging students
  • The institution needs to reassess the resource support for this unit