2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

Faculty Representation to the Board of Trustees

On October 1, 2015, the Board of Trustees voted to adopt the following policy regarding faculty representation to the Board: To increase faculty representatives to the Board from three to four, with one representative from each school, elected by the school such that the faculty representatives will serve as non-voting committee members on two committees: Academic Affairs and Student Experience. Each of the four faculty representatives will serve a two-year term following the guidelines for non-Board member committee members as described in section 5.3.3 of the Board Bylaws. Two representatives, one undergraduate faculty member and one graduate faculty member, will be assigned to each of the two committees. For example, CLAS and GSOE representatives on Academic Affairs; LUCAD and GSASS representatives on Student Experience. At end of the two-year terms, the pairs will switch committees. Faculty representatives will receive committee meeting materials for their committee, will be invited to attend the Board Business meeting as guests, and will receive the Board agenda. This arrangement will go into effect at the December 2015 committee meetings with the continuation of the arrangement subject to Board review.