2020-2021 Graduate Academic Catalog

An Introduction to Lesley

In 1909, Edith Lesley had a vision of an institution that would prepare young women to enter early childhood careers as leaders and catalysts for change. Along with educational opportunity and professional advancement, she and they wanted to serve and transform society.  Today, Edith Lesley’s founding vision anchors the University’s commitment to quality, innovation, responsiveness, service to students, and positive social change. There is an institution-wide commitment to academic and artistic excellence, flexibility, innovation, and responsiveness focused on supporting individual student learning and success. An entrepreneurial spirit, deeply rooted in our mission, enables faculty and staff to identify emerging needs and opportunities and meet them with relevant, high quality program offerings and approaches. 

Teaching and learning can take many forms at Lesley, but a hallmark is active engagement with real-world applications that integrate theory and practice. We are a community focused on educating, engaging, and empowering our students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to reach their goals and lead examined, productive, and satisfying lives. A Lesley University education provides the academic foundation and the practical experience to equip students to become leaders in their chosen professions.

A Lesley University education fosters the qualities of critical thinking and compassion essential in teaching, care giving, counseling, and initiating constructive change. This commitment to the value-added dimension of service unites successive generations of Lesley University students and graduates.