President's Welcome

Dear Graduate Students,
Lesley University educates you to make a difference in the world by bettering people’s lives.
For 110 years, we’ve been inspired by the mission of our founder Edith Lesley, whose then-radical idea to prepare women for careers outside of the home launched generations of teachers who transformed children, families and communities. You will join our vast global alumni network of educators, therapists, artists and organizational leaders who are improving the human experience through hands-on work to address the most pressing social challenges we face.
Our graduate programs in education, visual arts, counseling, mindfulness, expressive therapies and creative writing center on the human arts – human comprehension, communication and connection. Whether you’re studying in Cambridge, engaging in a low-residency program or taking courses online, from the moment you join our university you are a member of a community of courageous, compassionate thinkers who improve society. Throughout your studies, you engage with the community through enriching internships and opportunities with our partner organizations at the intersection of human interaction and service.
Just as Edith Lesley saw a need in the world in 1909 and created a solution, we have continued to innovate to meet society’s needs, such as pioneering the field of expressive arts therapy that is now an international discipline, developing our signature work around trauma intervention and services, and building a one-of-a-kind animation and visual effects program.
Our singular strengths and steadfast commitment to applied learning give form to your yearning for profound human experience and passion to transform the world. Thank you for joining this vibrant university community.
Warm regards,
Janet L. Steinmayer