2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CMGMT 6120 Accounting & Financial Management for Non-Profits

Effective financial management is critical to the success of any organization, including nonprofits.  Too many nonprofits, though, get caught up in a “mission vs. money” mindset.  While we certainly don’t want to chase funding in ways that contradict a nonprofit’s mission, nor do we want to view accounting and financial management as a necessary evil. This course will cover the fundamentals of nonprofit accounting and finance that every nonprofit manager should understand.  We will not focus on fundraising, but we will examine how dynamic nonprofits manage their financial resources.  We will go beyond basic accounting for transactions, touching on budgeting, preparing and analyzing financial statements, purchasing, asset management, investments, and risk management.  Our focus will be on “mission AND money” and the interdependence of the two.




Open to matriculated students in the MSM, Accelerated MSM, and Accelerated MBA programs or by the permission of the instructor

