Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Humanities (Online)
The Humanities Major allows students to situate themselves richly and confidently in the present by engaging them with the ideas, works, and cultural and historical movements which shaped it. In allowing students to develop broader cultural and personal knowledge, this major also cultivates those capacities and skills so important to any future profession: the ability to respond critically to the written word; to be resourceful in fact-finding; to evaluate data critically and to formulate theories about them; to gain facility with writing different kinds and lengths of papers; to communicate clearly and persuasively in written form; to approach situations and tasks drawing on a broad-based cultural competency.
Required Core (31 Credits)
The following list of requirements assumes that students have completed the following courses or their equivalents as part of their general education requirements: CWRIT 1101 (English Composition); CLITR 1100 (Writing and the Literary Arts).
Within the General Education Math requirement, students must choose CMATH 1522 Intro to Statistics.
Foreign language competency requirement: in addition to the eleven courses required for the major, students must show foreign language competency by EITHER completing 6 credits of study in Spanish or French at Lesley OR transferring in the equivalent of a second semester foreign language class.
Choose NINE courses
At least 3 different prefixes must be represented;
5 of the 9 courses must be at the 3000-level or above;
3 of those 3000-level or above courses must have the same prefix