2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Spanish Major (30 Credits)

(30 credits + 10 credits experiential learning)

Majors in Spanish will be able to service the ever-growing Spanish-speaking communities as teachers, therapists, social workers and managers. Furthermore, Spanish majors will read the works of great writers in the original, learn about the culture and the history of Spanish-speaking countries, be directly informed of current events of these countries from media in Spanish, and explore and understand cultural constructions through film, music and other popular culture produced in the Spanish-speaking world. Moreover, our students will be able to improve their communicative competence in Spanish in order to meet the demands of their careers.

Informed by theoretical frameworks and critical studies, a student in the Spanish Major will be an analytical reader of literature, history and culture. Spanish majors will also learn how to speak Spanish in a professional environment, from Business to Social Work. Through readings, discussions and critical writing, the Spanish major will provide an avenue for expanding intellectual horizons and honing skills.  Critical thinking and analytical reasoning are, after all, at the core of the linguistic, literary and cultural studies required to master a second language and culture.

Degree Requirements

Required Core (12 Credits)

CLANG 3102Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition


CLANG 3103Advanced Spanish Conversation


CLANG 3300Introduction to the Spanish Literary Arts


CLANG 4100Masters of the Spanish Tradition


Support Courses: Cultural Studies

Choose 2 (6 credits)
CLANG 3101The World of Spanish: Texts and Images


CLANG 3600The Cultures of Spain


Latin American Cultures


Support Courses: Advanced Literatures and Arts

Choose 3 (9 credits)
CLANG 3500Readings in Latin American Literature


CLANG 3400Tradition and Change: Readings in Spanish Literature


CLANG 3200Postcolonial Dialogues


Reading in Latinx Literature


Support Courses Delivered in English

Choose 1 (3 credits)
CLITR 3315Contemporary Latin American Women Writers


CHIST 3320Immigration and Ethnicity in American History


CHIST 3350Latin America Since 1900


CPOLS 3401Latin American Politics


Professional/Experiential Component (10 Credits)

CHUMS 2200Internship Planning and Preparation


CHUMS 3100Field Work and Seminar in the Humanities I


CHUMS 4100Humanities Field Work and Seminar II


If the student declares an Education and a Liberal Arts major, the internship requirement must be satisfied with student teaching. If the student declares any other double major, the internship requirement must be satisfied in the major with the greater number of credits in its experiential component. If they’re the same, the student may choose one. Every effort will be made to have one of the internships encompass the objectives of the other major. Students may choose to do an additional internship in their other major.
The first course requirement can also be satisfied by any other 1000-level field-based course (e.g. CEDUC 1352, CHMSR 1551, CMGMT 1451, CMGMT 1701).

Study Abroad

Spanish majors are encouraged to increase their proficiency in the language through the experience of studying in a Spanish-speaking country. For the major a maximum of 9 credits is normally recognized for one semester and 12 for two semesters of study in a program preapproved by advisor and/or the coordinator of Foreign Language instruction. Students must obtain approval from the coordinator of Foreign Language instruction in order for their courses to count toward the major or minor; otherwise, credit is not guaranteed.