2021-2022 Graduate Academic Catalog

PhD in Educational Studies: Jewish Educational Leadership Specialization 45 Credits

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testing for Lisa O.

This collaboration between Lesley University and Hebrew College is designed for Jewish educators and professionals who seek to take greater responsibility in Jewish educational institutions and organizations. Students in this specialization take 33 credits with students in the Educational Leadership Specialization through Lesley University and 12 credits through Hebrew College.

Graduates will receive a PhD from Lesley University and a Doctoral Certificate in Jewish Educational Leadership from Hebrew College.

Program Prerequisite: Master's degree or Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

Courses may have prerequisites for registration; please check course descriptions before registering.

Students must take EAGSR 9151 in fall, spring, and summer semesters of each year they are taking Lesley University courses and each semester thereafter until they have completed their dissertation defense. 

Program of Study


Year I (12 credits)

EAGSR 8102Interdisciplinary Seminar I


EAGSR 8108The Purposes of School in a Democratic Society


EAGSR 8107Critical Contexts for School Leaders


EAGSR 7101Quantitative Research Methods I: Statistics for Research


EAGSR 9151Doctoral Study


Year II (15 credits)

EAGSR 8109Schools as Systems


EAGSR 7115Building Communities of Practice


EAGSR 7103Qualitative Research Methods I


EAGSR 7104Qualitative Research Methods II


EAGSR 8110Change is a Process


EAGSR 9151Doctoral Study


After successfully completing a qualifying paper, a student is advanced to Year III.

Year III (6 credits)

EAGSR 8503Research Design


EAGSR 8112Ph.D. Dissertation Seminar


EAGSR 9151Doctoral Study


Courses Approved for Transfer (12 credits)

As permitted by Lesley University’s existing transfer policy for doctoral study, the following 12 credits of transfer from Hebrew College have been reviewed by Lesley University and accepted for the doctoral program. The following courses are approved for transfer to the Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Jewish Educational Leadership Specialization:

  • Philosophies of Education and Leadership in Jewish Thought and Practice (3 credits)
  • Curriculum and Ethics in Jewish Education (3 credits)
  • Research Trends in Jewish Education (3 credits)
  • Case Studies in Jewish Educational Leadership (3 credits)
  • Jewish Education Leadership Seminar (no transferable credit)