2021-2022 Student Handbook

Office of Community Service

Doble Hall, 2nd floor


617.349.8486 Fax


Jamie Willer  (she/her)

Coordinator of Community Service

Lesley University - Community Service

The Office of Community Service (OCS) seeks to educate students about the social and political issues affecting Cambridge and surrounding neighborhoods, the impact these issues have on people and communities, and how community-based organizations are working towards solutions. The OCS does this by connecting students with a wide range of opportunities to engage in the community and explore strategies to work toward social change. While engaging in the community, students learn alongside one another and reflect together on these experiences during on- and off-campus programming.

OCS programs include the Community Engagement Summer Fellows Program, Art.For.Change. Series, monthly action hours, Community Leadership Education and Action Program, supporting the Lesley Votes and Lesley Housing Justice & Outreach Collective student organizations, community-based work study programs, and academic critical community engagement initiatives.

The Office of Community Service is located in Doble Hall 2nd floor, and can be reached by email at communityservice@lesley.edu. Follow us on Facebook at Community Service at Lesley University and Instagram @LesleyOCS.