2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

College of Art and Design Requirements


Foundations Outcomes (12 credits)

Communication  CWRIT 1101 
Analysis  CLITR 1100
Quantitative Reasoning CMATH 1009, CMATH 1010, CMATH 1501, CMATH 1522, CMATH 1590, CMATH 1990, CMATH 2140, CMATH 2144, or CMGMT 1590
Collaboration INTGR 1665, IDESN 1600 or AINTD 2008

Students must take one course for each of the above Foundation Outcomes.

Students in BFA programs and the BA in Art take INTGR 1665 to fulfill the Collaboration Outcome.

Students in the Bachelor of Science for User Experience program take IDESN 1600 User Experience Research Methods to fulfill the Collaboration Outcome.

Certain transfer students are also eligible to take AINTD 2008 Transition Seminar: Lives in Context to fulfill the Collaboration Outcome or may transfer a First Year Seminar collaboration equivalency.

Perspectives Outcomes (15 credits)

Local and Global Connections
Examining Power & Inequity
Ethical Reasoning, Social Action & Civic Engagement
Create, Perform, Design
Human Relationships to the Physical & Natural World

Students must take one course to fulfill each Perspectives Outcome.

These are many courses that the University has designated to fulfill the specific outcomes.

Students can fulfill these outcomes with designated courses within or outside their major.

Gen Ed Applications Course (3 credits)

Students must take a designated Applications Course.

Breadth of Inquiry

Liberal Arts Traditions (27 credits)

Art History 12 credits
Arts & Humanities 3 credits
Social Sciences 6 credits
Math & Science 6 credits

Students may double count any of their courses with Breadth of Inquiry requirements except Foundations Outcomes courses and the Applications course.

Art History (12 credits)

All BFA students are required to take at least five Art History (IAHIS) courses to fulfill their program requirements. Four of these Art History courses (12 credits) automatically count toward the Breadth of Inquiry requirement.

BS in User Experience majors and BA in Art majors are required to take 12 credits of Art History (IAHIS), all of which count toward the Breadth of Inquiry requirement.

Please see individual program information for specific courses.

Social Sciences (6 credits)

Choose two courses from the following course prefixes: CANTH, CECON, CGEOG, CGLST, CPOLS, CPSYC, CPLCY, CSOCS or, CSOCL

BS in User Experience majors take 9 credits of Social Sciences. It is recommended that 6 credits be fulfilled by the following courses: CPSYC 1101 and CPSYC 3439.

Math & Science (6 credits)

Choose two courses from the following course prefixes: CMATH, CBIOL, CHLTH, CNSCI or CPHYS

Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

Choose one course from the following course prefixes: CDANC, CDRAM, CHIST, CHUMS, CMUSC, CLANG, CLITR, CPHIL, CRELS or CCRWT

Does not include CLITR 1100

BFA Digital Filmmaking majors must take CCRWT 2070.

BFA Animation majors and double majors (BFA Animation/Design and BFA Animation/Illustration) must take a choice of CCRWT 2000, 2070, 2300, or 2400.

BFA Visual Effects majors must take a choice of CCRWT 2000, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2200, 2300, 2310 or 2400.