2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Brand Design and Marketing (21 credits)

Brand Design focuses developing an identity for an enterprise. Marketing focuses on delivering the right message to the right people at the right time in the right place. As a brand design and marketing student, you will focus in on what takes for an enterprise to realize its identity in the marketplace and how to generate excitement about that identity.

IDESN 1270 Language of Design is a required pre-requisite for this specialization.

Learning Goals of the Brand Design and Marketing Specialization:

  1. Students will be able to apply brand principles and concepts to make appropriate decisions regarding product, promotion, price, and distribution systems to meet target brand goals.
  2. Students will evaluate the social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions.
  3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting information useful for solving brand problems


Required Core (21 credits)

CMGMT 3446Brand Management


CMGMT 3510Advertising


CMGMT 3706Public Relations


IAHIS 1190Design Thinking & Research


IDESN 2220Typography I


IDESN 3400Brand Realization


IDESN 3510Visual Communication I