2022-2023 Graduate Academic Catalog

CMGMT 6710 What Outstanding Organizations Do Differently

“Mindsets” (the culture, assumptions, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings held by associates) drive results. Personalities/structures/processes impact outcomes, intended and unintended. Catalysts search for opportunities of creative disruption. Change management is grounded in organizational culture: it is people focused. Successful change is systemic, it alters how people work and behave. Everyone in the organization is impacted. The course’s “people focus” often explores the human response to change and their environment – a response that is often counter-intuitive, unconscious and resistant. There will be an emphasis on organizational cultures. This course will examine the literature, theories and paradigms around change interventions.  These interventions necessitate change management, which is a structured approach to enabling people in an organization to transition from their current state to a desired future state.  Sustainable interventions need to be executed with integrity.  The impact of this future state must enable social justice in the broadest sense.




Open to matriculated students in the MSM, Accelerated MSM, and Accelerated MBA programs or by permission of the instructor