2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog

CMGMT 6700 Leading and Managing in the 21st Century

Students learn the scholarly context – classic and contemporary management theories in applied contexts. This course will help students identify and exploit new sources of competitive advantage. They will analyze the sources of S/W/O/T: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and how to capitalize on them, which first means understanding what is seen.

Students will learn to think deeper, acquiring the foundation for building the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective and ethical manager in a global and interconnected environment.  Students will examine and contrast management and leadership theories and practice. Managers control and monitor, not firms in the traditional sense, but complex networks and systems.  Leaders are focused on change and innovation.




MBA courses are open to all matriculated Lesley University students in any Undergraduate (juniors & seniors only), or MBA program – or by permission of the instructor