Campus Safety and Parking
34 Mellen Street
Nicole O’Leary, Captain of Public Safety
Public Safety | Lesley University
Lesley University is located in the midst of a busy urban area; therefore, you are advised to be aware of your safety at all times and to use caution appropriate to daily life in a city. You are encouraged to travel in groups outside the campus, particularly after dark. The Residence Life Staff conducts seminars on safety issues and encourages you to attend.
CAMPUS SAFETY Public Safety | Lesley University
The Public Safety Office provides Public Safety coverage to the Lesley community 24 hours a day, all year. Students should feel free to call upon their services at any time. The Public Safety officers patrol the campus grounds, check and lock buildings, oversee the parking lot and maintain close contact with the residence halls and other University facilities. Students are encouraged to become familiar with the location and telephone number of Public Safety.
- Doble Campus: 617.349.8888
University Hall, Porter Campus: 617.349.8888
- South Campus: 617.349.8888
Emergency Response Procedures
Emergencies are often unpredictable. The best strategy in coping with emergency situations is good advance preparation. For information on Lesley’s emergency plan visit: Emergency Plan | Lesley University it is important to be aware of how to react, whom to call, and what various resources can be mobilized in an emergency.
In most cases, call 911 first, then the Lesley Public Safety Office at 617.349.8888 in all cases of emergency. Lesley Public Safety officers will be able to mobilize or support, other needed resources, such as police, fire and medical.
Emergency Medical Services
Call 9-1-1 in case of a medical emergency such as:
- Person is unconscious or having difficulty breathing
- Seizure
- Bad fall
- Broken bones
- Severe laceration
In cases of a medical emergency, including accidents, hospitalization and or the death of a student, it is imperative to also notify Public Safety. Public Safety will then make the appropriate notifications to Student and Residential Life Offices or contacts depending on the time.
Reminder: If a student calls for emergency services directly, Public Safety must still be notified. Public Safety will be able to open all appropriate doors and direct emergency personnel, as well as provide basic medical assistance.
Emergency Alert System (E.A.S)
Lesley University is subscribed to an Emergency Alert System. The service, powered by Rave allows Public Safety to send on campus emergency alerts to students, faculty and staff simultaneously via all familiar communications methods such as email, text messaging, SMS, and phone (cell, Blackberry, PDA, pager, etc.). Public Safety strongly encourages all students to participate in this important campus safety program. To register your personal emergency contact information, opt-in at: Alert System | Lesley University.
Safe Escort Service
The Public Safety Office provides Safe Escort Service for students within the boundaries of the Lesley campus. Upon the request, a Public Safety officer will arrive at the student’s location and escort them to their destination within the Lesley campus boundaries. For assistance, call the Public Safety Office at 617.349.8888.
Lost and Found
Lost articles should be turned into the Public Safety Office at 34 Mellen Street, which is open 24 hours a day. Items not picked up within 30 days of being turned in to Public Safety will be donated to charity or discarded. Items not picked up within two weeks of completion of the spring semester will be donated to charity or discarded.
Storage for Bicycles
Bicycles are not permitted in student rooms, common rooms, or hallways. There are outdoor bicycle racks on South Campus located on the north-side of 99-4 South/Lawrence Hall, on the south-side of 99-1 South/Wright Hall, and at 2-4 St. John's/Kidder, and on Doble Campus located on the north-side of 34 Mellen/Wolfard, eastern-side of 30 Mellen/Doble, and on the southeast corner of 30 Mellen. It is highly recommended that you register your bicycle with Public Safety in order to give you a better chance at recovering a lost or stolen bicycle. Please find the registration form on the Public Safety website. Motorcycles, mopeds, or any other motorized bicycles are not permitted in any University buildings and are not allowed to use the bike racks.
PARKING Parking | Lesley University
Resident Students
Resident students are NOT permitted to park on Lesley property.
Day Parking for Commuting Students
All commuter students who commute may request a commuter parking permit, available fall. spring, and summer terms. The University has 200 full semester spaces for commuter student parking. during the day and permits will be awarded based upon the distance of the student's commute, availability of public transportation and class schedule. Please see for parking details.
For questions regarding commuter parking, students can contact Bill Eve, Assistant Director of Campus Services at 617.349.8825 or
Visitor Parking
All student visitors’ vehicles must be registered with Public Safety. Visitors must purchase the appropriate permit to park (effective 9-2022):
- Day permits may be purchased for $11.00 per day at the Doble Public Safety office. A maximum of 50 permits per day will be sold Monday through Friday. There are no limits on weekends and you may buy up to 5 days’ worth at a time.
- Day permits are valid on the Doble Campus and South Campus, but only at Lot R on the Porter Campus (no gates).
If you have questions, please contact Please note that purchasing a permit does not guarantee a parking spot.
Thank you for your cooperation as we return to the “new” normal and adapt to different ways of working together on and off campus.
Visitor permits are available at the Public Safety Office, located on the Doble Campus. Visitor parking is available in Lot C, Lot D, and Lot F on the Doble Campus and in Lot Q on the South Campus.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Parking Enforcement
The University enforces a monetary fine system for violations of the parking policy. Any vehicle without the appropriate permit will be cited and a fine will be charged. Vehicles with unpaid citations are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.
Questions regarding parking should be directed to Bill Eve, Assistant Director of Campus Services at 617.349.8825 or Additional information regarding the University parking policies can be found on the Lesley web site under Public Safety.