2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Advisor's Role and Responsibilities

Professional and faculty advisors view academic advising as integral to the college's educational philosophy of being responsive to the needs of students.

The advisor-advisee relationship is based on a philosophy of shared responsibility. Ultimate responsibility for satisfying college and professional requirements and goals rests, however, with the advisee.

The following are the responsibilities of advisors:

  • Help students define and develop academic and career interests/goals
  • Assist students with developing an educational plan that is consistent with their goals, interests, and abilities
  • Understand and effectively explain curriculum, graduation requirements, and university and college policies and procedures
  • Match students’ needs with available resources and make appropriate referrals
  • Listen to students’ concerns and respect their individual values and choices
  • Monitor students’ academic progress
  • Be available to answer students’ questions through scheduled meetings or email
  • Create student-advisor collaborative relationship
  • Encourage exploration across disciplines
  • Promote integration of academic and life experiences
  • Assist student graduation within appropriate time-line
  • Support students to prepare for graduate study and/or a professional career