2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Use of Email

All students are assigned an official Lesley University email address and the University views correspondence through this account as official communication between the student and the University. Students will be sent official Lesley University communications, including information related to academics and student financial accounts, to that address. Students are responsible for knowing of and complying with official communications sent to their official email address. Lesley University is not responsible for a student’s failure to read or respond to emails in a timely manner, including messages that contain a deadline for a response or action. Consequently, students should frequently check their Lesley email account, even during times when classes are not in session, to ensure that they do not miss critical and time-sensitive messages. Students should also regularly check their Clutter and Spam folders in the event that official messages were inadvertently misfiled. Students who opt to forward email from their Lesley account to a non-Lesley account do so at their own risk, as Lesley University is not responsible for any such forwarded messages.