2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

General Early Childhood


I. Liberal Arts Major:

Liberal Arts major must be Children, Youth, & Family Studies.

CPSYC 3407Critical Issues in Infancy


CPSYC 3427Family Interventions


Both courses must be taken as part of the major course of study.

II. Required Core:

CEDUC 3360Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers


CEDUC 3429Early Intervention: Theory and Practice


III. Practicum:

The CEDUC 3704 course requirement cannot be waived for students enrolled in this specialization.

The full-time practicum for students in this specialization, CEDUC 4721, should be split between two placements: a minimum of 100 hours at preschool level (3 or 4 year olds) or kindergarten level, and a minimum of 200 hours at the first or second grade level.